
Swa. Tatya Bapat Smruti Samiti

(Samaj Prabhodan )

Functions of Swa. Tatya Bapat Smruti Samiti in 'Social-Enlightenment'
Palkhi Ceremony:
  1. Ambulances from Alandi to Pandharpur have been available in Ashadi Wari since 2001 and from Dehu to Pandharpur since 2005.
    Also since 2007 there is an ambulance from Pandharpur to Alandi (Pune) in the month of Ashad.
  2. We are providing medical services to Warkaris in Wari. It provides services like giving medicines, massaging etc.
    In Ashadi Wari, about 1500 to 2000 patients are examined daily and given medicines

Dnyanraj Chikitsalay (Alandi):
  1. Shri Kshetra Alandi attracts a large number of students from Maharashtra to study Vedas & Upnisada. Aware of their health needs, the self. Tatya Bapat Smruti Samiti started Gyanraj Hospital for free medical treatment and free medicine accordingly.
  2. This work was carried out during the period 2000-2013. Through this, free medical services were being provided to about 700 students.
  3. On the occasion of Karthiki Ekadashi, free medical services are provided to the needy devotees during the four day yatra.
75th Independance Day Celebration:
  1. Flag Hosting In Anandnagar Balwadi, Chinchwad
  2. Flag hosting Attended at Saibaba Nagar and Vetal Nagar, Chinchwad
  3. Distributed sweets to Children's

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